Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Christopher Ricks (aka, Isreal) is getting married.
(I think she is adorable, and wished I remembered her name.)

I usually don't like nicknames, but Isreal is the only name I can remember him by.
Isreal and Jordan are friends from their freshman year.
The cute couple had an engagement party last week.
The boys had to swim in the pool for gold fish.
Jordan caught 6!

The bride then swallowed a live fish!
......and i really hope that fish does not have babies in that stomach of hers!
They also had a ice cream machine in their guest house, I hope one day to own a machine like that, and keep it in my guest house as well.
Next matter of business.......
This cute couple is also getting married!

David Brown and Emily!
I don't know her (though I hope to), but David Brown is what kept me somewhat sane through high school.
I am thrilled for the two of them.

1 comment:

  1. What would we have done without David? That poor kid, he's a saint.

    I got to meet her the other day in Logan, they seemed very excited to be getting married. I'm really happy for them!

    Let's forsure go to the wedding together!
